Monday, February 28, 2011

Pet Shop Construction!

Go to the Pet Shop and see whats happening!!! Its so cool!

Look at these strange blueprints...

Is there a law about puffle labor? Cause there should be!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Pins and Klutzy Attack!!!

The Green Puffle Pin is in the Dojo, and the Black Puffle Pin is in the Recycling Plant.

Klutzy is attcking the system!
I love the faces he makes, like: =P =)

My favorte:


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Puffle Party is here!!

The Blue Puffle Hat is in the Plaza

The Puffle Coat is in the Puffle Show. (In the Ski Village)

The Orange Puffle Room

The Brown Puffle Room!
Wow those Brown Puffles sure are good at video games!

Poo, my Brown Puffle likes the Dance Lounge!
Whats your favorite room?

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Here are Rockhopper's rare items!

Free Antlers at the Ski Village!

The new pin is at the Dock!

I just love the big Christmas Tree!!!

I could not get a picture of the Bag of Presents... Its a free item you get for finishing the Sleigh Ride!

Merry Christmas!!!
Or any thing you celebrate!